Thursday, December 12, 2013


So I have been slowly introducing Raegan to the big potty in the bathroom.  At first she did not take kindly to it whatsoever!!  She would scream, cry, tears rolling down her cheeks.  My heart absolutely melted.  Not to mention she had a death grip on me.

That was 2 weeks ago.  Last night my oldest daughter (who is almost 12) and I brought Raegan into the bathroom, gave her so much encouragement and to our surprise she actually peed for the first time on the big potty!!  We praised her, clapped, gave her high fives and told her what a big girl she was.

This morning, I got her, had her eat her breakfast and we took off her night time diaper and I said "Raegan ready to use the big girl potty?" She looks up at me and says "Yep, I am!"  She ran toward the bathroom, waited for me to come with her little potty (we use that as a stepping stool) and she climbed right up and peed again!!  I am soooooooo excited and proud..and she says "Good girl!!"  Hahaha it was cute!

My goal is to still have her potty trained by 3yrs old.  I stated her at 18mos and shes made so much progress with some regression along the way, but that is to be expected.  She isnt quite 2 1/2 yet, but shes hitting her milestones.

Yep im a proud momma!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Regression at its finest

So little miss Raegan has decided to regress with her potty training for a little while.  She was peeing on the couch, carpet, pooped on the kitchen floor..oh what fun it was!

Finally im like enough is enough, so I started her on the potty 10 mins, off for 15, on 10 off 15.  Well did that for the week and she is finally putting herself on again when she has to go.  I see the light at the end of this tunnel :D

I goal is too hopefully have her potty trained by 3.  Im just curious as to how I am going to transition her from her little potty I put in front of the tv to the big potty.  Her potty is also used as a step stool to get onto the bigger one.  I have tried her on the big one quite a few times and each time she screams bloody murder.  I never let go of her while she is on, and she holds onto my hands as well.

Im sure this is something we will work through..but I am proud and happy that the regression has ended, im sure I will hit another bump very soon.  She is the 4th child I have potty trained, 3 of which are mine the older is my stepdaughter who is now 15.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oh regression how I dont like you!!

Raegan was doing so well with her potty training, now its a fight to get her to sit on her potty.  She has peed on the couch twice and floor once in the last week.

I have potty trained 3 girls and had them all potty trained by 3, and with all of them they had regressed so I was expecting it again at some point.

I now have to put her on her potty every 15 mins or so and listen to her throw a big temper tantrum..which is fine cause I usually ignore her and busy myself doing something else.  I dont want to give her that negative attention, cause she will have worse fits if I give into her.

So taking the potty training day by day and still continuing to praise her for sitting on it and going..she still goes potty on it daily with the accidents around the house.

Fingers crossed that this doesnt last long!!

On a positive note..I am only going through 2-3 diapers a day since she is in big girl panties most of the day with the exception of nap time and bedtime :) Talk about saving money!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Proud Momma!!

When Raegan is at home she only wears her big girl panties.  The only time she is in a diaper is for nap time and bedtime.  Raegan goes 10hrs without a diaper during the day now and has only had 1 accident in 6wks.  I am sooooo proud of my baby girl who just turned 2 in August.

She had her 2yr check up last week and the doc was really impressed with the potty training!! She said that most kids her age havent even started and shes almost fully potty trained!  RaeRae also weighs 28.9lbs now and had 1 shot and blood work done.  All the blood came back fine and her lead test was fine which is wonderful!

All around I have a healthy happy, smart girl :D The only thing that she really needs to work on is sleeping through the night so she isnt keeping her older sisters up haha.

Monday, September 23, 2013


My Ladybug has officially graduated from diapers to big girl panties all day every day that we are home!! She enjoys prancing around in her panties and calling herself a "Big Girl."

I leave her big girl potty in front of the tv with her shows and limit her to the living room with her toys, tv shows and sippy..she enjoys running around and playing..she now puts herself on the potty when she has to go, I dont even have to tell her or remind her. 

 She has a routine in the morning where I get my older girls up and ready for school, I pop in a movie for her and let her watch her movie in the crib until I get back home from bringing my middle child to the bus stop.  Raegan stays home with daddy.

When I get back I get her out of bed, her clothes, make her breakfast and have her eat while I set her potty up and get her her big girl panties.  After breakfast we get her cleaned up and out of her dirty diaper, clean that mess up and she sits right on the potty with her sippy in front of the tv..she goes right then (usually every morning).  Raegan loves helping me take care of her pee..I will dump it in the toilet and she will flush and put the seat down while I wash out her potty..then we wash our hands and set the potty back up in the living room.

Rae runs around freely and when she has to go she pulls her panties down and sits..sometimes she just sits there for 20 mins..hey whatever works!!

Needless to say this is my 4th girl I have/am potty trained.  3 being my kids and 1 being my stepdaughter (who is now 15 haha).  I am so very proud of Raegan!! She is 2yrs and 1month now and this far with her training!! IMPRESSED MOMMA HERE!  :D

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I really think that Raegan is coming along in her potty training.  She went pee in her Minnie Mouse potty this morning and this afternoon she pooped!! I rewarded her with a high five (shes very big into those) and a piece of chocolate.

She didnt scream, cry or make a fuss about going on the potty here is to more good days and hopefully more potty trained!! :D

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Raegan is a character!

So I started working a little bit with Raegan and her potty training yesterday.  She decided that it was her older sisters turn to sit on her potty (her older sister is 8).  Raegan tried picking her sister up off the floor who was sitting in front of the tv watching it.

Raegan then points at the potty and says "Sissy pee on potty." Well at least she knows where it goes! Haha.  Just have to get her to start going again on it..Good thing I have the patients for this.  She is a lil stubborn one :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Taking a Break

I have decided to take a break from potty training my baby girl.  Since we are in the process of a big change.  My husband and I have bought a house..yes a house! 

I think the transition into the new house would cause her to regress, so why stress myself out and her out at the same time? She knows what her potty is, and what goes in it, that in itself is a lot of progress.

Raegan is a smart girl, the last few weeks have been really hectic with packing and planning and just being busy that its so much change all at once for her.

I cant wait to continue with her and her training..She says poopy and peepee so she knows what it is and what she is doing, which is great.  She has scheules as to when she usually poops, so thats when I will start putting her on again.  Im thinking of starting back up in the next 2wks when I am unpacking and organizing, just sitting her in front of the tv in a relaxed environment with her fav show. Seseame/Play with me Seseame.

So here is to potty training positives :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Potty training a 23mo old

Well here I am potty training a 4th child.  Yes I know I have 3 biological daughters of my own, but I also have 4 stepchildren, one of which I potty trained. This time around seems so much easier than the other 3 for sure. Raegan is eager to learn and knows the word potty. I will ask her where her potty is and she will run over flip open the top and point to it and say "peepee, poopoo" She knows what it is and what it is for..SCORE for that!

I started potty training her on this Minnie Mouse potty that you can pretend "flush" She will yell "Hip hip horray!" Raegan is obsessed with that! haha.  What I did with the other 3 girls is actually working for her. I will put her potty in front of the tv with her sippy of juice, some of her favorite toys and her favorite show Seasame Street. She sits there for 10-15mins and then up for 20 mins to play. I also got her some big girl panties to where which she absolutely loves and is still trying to figure out.  I got her big girl underwear last week and since then she has only had 2 accidents (not bad).

My goal is to have my little ladybug potty trained by 3 (would be great if it were sooner) but 3 seems like a reasonable age to have her 100% potty trained by. Gives us enough time and her to get use to it.  As she gets bigger her potty turns into a stepstool to help her up on the "big potty."

I dont believe in pull ups, honestly to me its a big waste of money.  It feels like a diaper so the child thinks "Oh im wearing this I can just poop and pee in it and it will be fine." Its messier as well cause if they do poop in their pull up, you either have to cut it off or pray you dont drop a turd on the floor! haha.

Soo right now I would say that my little girl is about 30% potty trained and still working on it and not struggling through it.  She rarely fights me on it and is eager to learn and be praised with "What a big girl." Or high fives, even a little treat.  She absolutely loves the postive reinforcement.

Im sure we will hit some bumps in the road with regression (most kids go through that) but if its something we come across its nothing we cant get through together!

I am very proud of my little girl, who apparently isnt so little anymore :)