I have decided to take a break from potty training my baby girl. Since we are in the process of a big change. My husband and I have bought a house..yes a house!
I think the transition into the new house would cause her to regress, so why stress myself out and her out at the same time? She knows what her potty is, and what goes in it, that in itself is a lot of progress.
Raegan is a smart girl, the last few weeks have been really hectic with packing and planning and just being busy that its so much change all at once for her.
I cant wait to continue with her and her training..She says poopy and peepee so she knows what it is and what she is doing, which is great. She has scheules as to when she usually poops, so thats when I will start putting her on again. Im thinking of starting back up in the next 2wks when I am unpacking and organizing, just sitting her in front of the tv in a relaxed environment with her fav show. Seseame/Play with me Seseame.
So here is to potty training positives :)