My Ladybug has officially graduated from diapers to big girl panties all day every day that we are home!! She enjoys prancing around in her panties and calling herself a "Big Girl."
I leave her big girl potty in front of the tv with her shows and limit her to the living room with her toys, tv shows and sippy..she enjoys running around and playing..she now puts herself on the potty when she has to go, I dont even have to tell her or remind her.
She has a routine in the morning where I get my older girls up and ready for school, I pop in a movie for her and let her watch her movie in the crib until I get back home from bringing my middle child to the bus stop. Raegan stays home with daddy.
When I get back I get her out of bed, her clothes, make her breakfast and have her eat while I set her potty up and get her her big girl panties. After breakfast we get her cleaned up and out of her dirty diaper, clean that mess up and she sits right on the potty with her sippy in front of the tv..she goes right then (usually every morning). Raegan loves helping me take care of her pee..I will dump it in the toilet and she will flush and put the seat down while I wash out her potty..then we wash our hands and set the potty back up in the living room.
Rae runs around freely and when she has to go she pulls her panties down and sits..sometimes she just sits there for 20 mins..hey whatever works!!
Needless to say this is my 4th girl I have/am potty trained. 3 being my kids and 1 being my stepdaughter (who is now 15 haha). I am so very proud of Raegan!! She is 2yrs and 1month now and this far with her training!! IMPRESSED MOMMA HERE! :D