Friday, March 14, 2014


Oh I know its been awhile since I have written, frankly I am so bad at remembering to blog, or I am never around a computer!

Anyways so the last 2 1/2 weeks I have put Raegan down for her naps that range from 1-2 1/2 hrs in her panties and a shirt.  I began realizing that she had more control over her bladder/bowel movements.  She was holding her pee/poop til nap time or bedtime and going poop and pee in her diaper.

So the last 2 1/2 weeks I would say has been a great success with her!!  She has only had 1 accident in her panties during nap time.

I have started a chart with stickers and a bucket of "rewarding" toys/healthy snacks/candy for every time she doesn't have an accident.  She LOVES LOVES LOVES the praise I give her, or her sisters give her. She high fives us and tells us what a "Big Girl" she is!  She loves her "Reward box as well.  

This is working out great and she's really catching on fast!  Im a proud momma of this "Big" girl :)


  1. Aww yay!!! :) Big things for such a big girl!!! Abbey is right there with her! I would say shes been dry since january. An accident here or there but still!!!

  2. Thank you!! Our girls are making some big accomplishments! How old is Abbey, 3? Raegan thankfully is catching on faster than the other girls did..3rd time is a charm I guess :)

  3. That's awesome Connor's doing great he's had two accidents in the last two weeks and has been doing great through the nights
