Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I really think that Raegan is coming along in her potty training.  She went pee in her Minnie Mouse potty this morning and this afternoon she pooped!! I rewarded her with a high five (shes very big into those) and a piece of chocolate.

She didnt scream, cry or make a fuss about going on the potty here is to more good days and hopefully more potty trained!! :D

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Raegan is a character!

So I started working a little bit with Raegan and her potty training yesterday.  She decided that it was her older sisters turn to sit on her potty (her older sister is 8).  Raegan tried picking her sister up off the floor who was sitting in front of the tv watching it.

Raegan then points at the potty and says "Sissy pee on potty." Well at least she knows where it goes! Haha.  Just have to get her to start going again on it..Good thing I have the patients for this.  She is a lil stubborn one :)