Friday, November 22, 2013

Regression at its finest

So little miss Raegan has decided to regress with her potty training for a little while.  She was peeing on the couch, carpet, pooped on the kitchen floor..oh what fun it was!

Finally im like enough is enough, so I started her on the potty 10 mins, off for 15, on 10 off 15.  Well did that for the week and she is finally putting herself on again when she has to go.  I see the light at the end of this tunnel :D

I goal is too hopefully have her potty trained by 3.  Im just curious as to how I am going to transition her from her little potty I put in front of the tv to the big potty.  Her potty is also used as a step stool to get onto the bigger one.  I have tried her on the big one quite a few times and each time she screams bloody murder.  I never let go of her while she is on, and she holds onto my hands as well.

Im sure this is something we will work through..but I am proud and happy that the regression has ended, im sure I will hit another bump very soon.  She is the 4th child I have potty trained, 3 of which are mine the older is my stepdaughter who is now 15.